With the holidays coming faster than ever, I am trying to think of a few ways to make them a bit simpler. I have come up with these so far, but would love input from you!
1. Cook ahead! Our family is huge and we have several stops to make in order to see everyone. Most of the time, when I ask what I can bring to eat, there is never a direct reply. So when I offer to bring something, I like to suggest things that can be cooked ahead. Most of the time dips can be made the night before and be put in the refrigerator. Meats can be cooked ahead as well.
2. For presents, buy throughout the year! I have been Christmas shopping for quite a while now. I have ordered several clothing pieces for the girls when there are sales I can't pass up or super cute items that I can't resist. I like to buy them for Christmas while I can get them! As of now, all of the girls' clothes are bought for their presents!
3. Don't forget to wrap ahead of time too! I have been guilty of waiting until the last minute to start wrapping which ends up in me up until 2:30 Christmas morning. The end result is me being tired Christmas morning. Start wrapping as you get the presents!
4. One thing we have started in the last few years is a Christmas account at our bank. We put back a set amount each month and love that we get the check without feeling immediate pain. If I do buy anything a head of time, I just won't put the amount I spent in the account. Win. Win.
5. Holiday mornings for us are always chaotic. I plan on packing anything I can ahead of time, have clothes laid out for myself and the family, and taking showers the night before. Hopefully, this will prove to be a more efficient morning when we are always running around like a crazy family!
6. Something that will help with the morning routines of holiday mornings are great breakfasts. And by breakfasts, I mean a dish that can be made the night before a stuck in the fridge. I love to have an easy breakfasts with my family before we start the hustle and bustle of holidays!
7. This year, in hopes of avoiding toy overload for the girls, Jeremy and I are thinking of one huge present, clothes and very few toys. Our girls will not be deprived by no means! Our parents are gracious when it comes to the holiday department, and we always return home with a car load of toys!
8. Invest in some holiday movies...they will help you entertain the kids while you tackle that to do list! Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is something I always want to enjoy as a family cuddles up on the couch. In reality, I am wishing this will be our first year we actually get to do it! Nonetheless, the kids will be entertained while I prepare what I must before we head out. I often pop in a Christmas movie after Thanksgiving if I need to get a few things done, without interruptions.
9. Take a break with your family! Holidays are great and fun, but stress levels can rise which can be taken out on everyone. Enjoy the family time while you can, and slow down to sip on some coffee or hot chocolate with the kids. Everyone can mellow out for a while and I promise, everything will still get finished in time.
10. When all else fails, turn on some great music. Holiday tunes always cheer up my family!
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